Full name of the institution :
Abbreviated name of the institution :
Abbreviated name
ОКПО 00495125
ОКВЭД 72.19
ОГРН 1036216005231
ОКТМО 61627418
ИНН 6213000969
КПП 621301001
КБК 00000000000000000130
КБК 00000000000000000440
УФК по Рязанской области (ФГБНУ «ВНИИ коневодства» л/с 20596У45480)
Payee's bank:
ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ РЯЗАНЬ БАНКА РОССИИ/УФК по Рязанской области г. Рязань
БИК: 016126031
Счёт: 03214643000000015900
Корсчёт: 40102810345370000051
Purpose of payment:
Be sure to indicate why! (payment details - up to the name of the horse).
Payment shall be made after consultation with the performer (an employee of the
laboratory of genetics, the selection department, the main registrar of the corresponding breed).
Details by QR code
391105, Russia, Ryazan region, Rybnovsky district, Divovo village, All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding
8 (4912) 24-02-65
Mon-Thu: 8:00-17:00, lunch 12:00-13:00, Fri: 8:30-14:30
Breeding department:
8 (4912) 95-78-71
Mon-Thu: 8:30-17:00, lunch 12:00-13:00, Fri: 8:30-14:30
Department of Information Technology:
8 (4912) 24-05-39
Genetics laboratory:
8 (4912) 24-12-84
Mon-Thu: 8:30-17:00, lunch 12:00-13:00, Fri: 8:30-14:30
Thoroughbred Group:
8 (4912) 95-78-72
Mon-Thu: 8:30-17:00, lunch 12:00-13:00, Fri: 8:30-14:30